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We are accepting Vendors for
Pride South Side 2025!

We have three levels of participation options.

We are committed to limiting the total number of participants this year to ensure that participants gain the maximum exposure.



Do not sell, but may share information about their organization. Limited to twenty.



Are permitted to sell items, but cannot sell food, beverages, cannabis or cannabinoid products. Limited to twenty.

Food Vendors

Food vendors must have a food truck or a self-contained food preparation environment. They must have a valid food handlers license and insurance. They must list the DuSable Museum, Chicago Park District and Pride South Side as additionally insured. Limit to four.


Vendors / Exhibitors

  • Vendors and exhibitors will need to bring your own table to the festival. We will have chairs on site for use, but you may bring your own if you wish.

  • Vendors and exhibitors will have approximately a 6x6 ft activation area to set up their activation.

  • We will have electrical outlets available, but they are available on a first come first serve basis. You should bring your own extension cord if you will require electrical access.

  • We do not have wifi available for vendors/exhibitors. If you are using a digital POS (encouraged), please ensure that you have a hot spot available for use.

  • Exhibitors are not permitted to sell items. Vendors may not sell food, beverages or cannabis/ THC/THC-A/ Delta or any THC related consumable product (smoked, vaped or otherwise ingested).

  • Vendors/ Exhibitors may not play music or sound over a speaker (i.e. if there is an audio/visual component of the experience, you must provide headphones). There will be a performance stage near the vendors and the sound may not compete with the sound coming from the stage. 

  • We are limiting the total number of vendors/exhibitors this year to ensure that each participant receives maximum exposure.

Food Vendors

  • We will have a generator available, but given the diversity of electrical access, you are encouraged to bring your own.

  • Your food prep area must be self contained (i.e. a food truck). If you have questions about whether your area is self-contained, email

  • You must have a valid food handlers license and active insurance. You will need to list The DuSable Museum, Pride South Side and the Chicago Park District as additionally insured on your insurance.

Load-in packets will be sent out at least one week before the event.

If you are a Vendor or Exhibitors and have any issues or questions, email us at

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Pride South Side is a fiscal program of the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago. Contact information will be used to contact registrants about the event, but will not be shared with third parties. Event participants are notified that their photo or likeness may be captured and used as part of Pride South Side event promotion.

© 2024 Pride South Side Festival   |   Designed by Talooka Studio

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